Kanawha Water District (KWD) is a Central Valley Project water contractor formed June 6th, 1956, with diversions beginning in the Spring of 1976. The service area spans on the west side of central Glenn County along the west side of the I-5 Corridor providing irrigation water to farmers growing a variety of permanent and annual crops as well supplying small amounts of Municipal and Industrial water. KWD has a contract with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which was signed in 2005 and expires in 2030 that allows the District to receive 45,000 acre feet annually resulting in KWD operating and maintaining 7 pumping plants on top of nearly 100 miles of buried pipelines and 218 metered turnouts for irrigation water supply systems. The service area is approximately 16,849 acres, contributing its fair share to the regional economy annually.
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Lance Boyd ( President)
Wade Danley (Vice President)
Randy Hansen
Peter Ceccon
Rick Lederer
Vince Laufer (General Manager)
Debbie Scritchfield (Assistant Secretary)
Eric Massa (Field Operations Supervisor)
Carlos Chavez (Field Technician)
Physical Address:
363 County Rd G
Willows Ca, 95988
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1054
Willows Ca, 95988
(530) 934-5476
(530) 934-7926